CHAPTER-1:1:22 (NEW SETTLERS)-DAY-22              

    Eli and Ami Jankowsky got up so early that Sunday morning in mid-fall that it was still dark outside and there was still a heavy frost on the ground from the below freezing overnight temperatures as they got up.The sun began to rise just as they were getting ready for the coming day and it was almost 6:30 in the morning before it got light out.

      It was still very heavily frosted over when the sun had finally risen and it was full daylight out though they were still planning to start working on their garden in the workshop.

    Eli and Ami both started planting seeds in the new planter boxes so they'd be able to have produce to harvest and some to provide cooking ingredients for things like salad.They also planned on moving their chess table to the workshop to have it where they could play in comfort even in snowstorms or blizzards.

    They both decided to play chess for a while though until it was a little later on in the day because they were both a little bored and wanted something different to do.

      They'd eventually had to stop playing chess after a while because they had other things they needed to do like going to work to make up for a missed day earlier.

    They both started getting ready for work after a short while since they'd already eaten and needed to get ready to head off to work to make up for the Friday they'd missed.

    They were both almost ready to leave for work and Ami had to have a juice box from the fridge before leaving.

    They went off to work at 2:30 in the afternoon and stayed there until 6PM when they left to get home and get ready for bed.

      They got home and managed to get ready to get to sleep by 7PM with a cold night and the ground covered in frost.


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